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About Me

A little bit about me.... My name is Kim Oberst, I am a certified Holistic Health Coach (Institute for Integrative Nutrition) and a Certified Personal Trainer ( WITS, ACE, NASM, IKFF). I am extremely passionate about living a healthy lifestyle through alternative holistic health/ nutrtition and through physical fitness. I am an avid runner and cyclist and I believe that these cardiovascular activiest go best when paired with an excellent strength program. With running and cycling outdoors came a love of nature. Growing up in New Jersey, there weren't always a lot of places to explore the great outdoors... Thus leading me to the Pacific North West, where my love for fitness and nature grew and blossomed into the wild burning passion I carry today. Four years later, having grown, I brought my passions back East to my home in NJ. Currently, aside from K.O. Fitness & Nutrition, I work in several fantastic fitness facilities where I continue to learn through my peers and experiences every day.

My goal is to educate people about total health and well being. This means the whole picture: Nutrition, Fitness, Mind and Body. I hope to share my passion with each and everyone that I work with so that the gift of health keeps on giving. My hope is that one day we will live in a world where everyone has access to the tools that create and promote the healthiest YOU that you can be. 


Health is all around you. Its the air that you breath, the water that you drink, the earth beneath your feet when you run, the vegetable and fruits that grow around you, the sun on your face.... None of these wonderful things come from a factory or need to be processed. PURE, NATURAL, GOODNESS

I am excited to help you begin your journey into a new you....


Be healthy, Be kind





Kim Oberst

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